Abstract – Objective: To examine whether “quilting” sutures are safe and effective in preventing hysterectomy in cases of post partum hemorrhage (PPH) and whether early application may reduce the risk of transfusion.
Methods: All patients treated using “quilting” sutures between 2007 und 2016 were included in the study. Objective and subjective data were collected by analyzing medical records and performing telephone interviews. To detect changes during the observation period early half of the records were compared to late half of the records. (Film)
Results: During the period analyzed 26 C-sections with “quilting” sutures were performed. Two hysterectomies could not be avoided. During the 2nd 5-year period 18 “quilting” sutures were performed compared to 8 in the earlier 5-year period, pointing to a more liberal indication. The 13 patients in the 1st group required intensive care twice as frequently as those in the 2nd group (10/5). The same applied to blood transfusions and clotting activation (9/4) Three children were born. All women wishing to have a child have delivered a child.
Conclusion: “Quilting” sutures are a safe and simple technique to prevent hysterectomies in PPH. Morbidity is reduced if the decision to perform sutures is taken early.

Dieses Poster zeigt nicht nur die Technik der Steppnähte, sondern auch das Verfahren der Sumokompression für den Fall, dass die postpartalen Blutungen durch Atonie nach einer Spontangeburt oder durch tiefe Scheidenrisse verursacht sind und die Blutung die Blutgerinnung beeinträchtigt.